Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Plato, Troy, and Sacrifice

The Plato essay was due yesterday, but I allowed students to turn it in today with no penalty.  Unfortunately, many students believed an excuse would allow for extra time.  An assignment is due in hard copy format (printed out) by the beginning of class.  Students are able to print out their work in the media center before or after school, or during lunch.  I will still accept printed essays through Wednesday for partial credit.

We watched an episode of The Simpsons today:  Lemon of Troy (6.24).  It is a cultural reference to the Trojan War.

We also discussed four questions.  For those of you not in class today (including ALL of you from 2nd hour), the four questions are shown below in invisotext (just click and drag over to read).  Take out a note card (you should have bought them last quarter) and answer the four questions in order...WITHOUT jumping ahead.  Part of the fun is answering each question before you know what the next one asks.  When you answer yes or no, follow with a brief explanation (1-2 written lines).  After answering all four, summarize what you thought about.  It's all part of my hope to have a frank and honest discussion on Veterans Day about serving your country.

1.  Would you DIE for your family?
2.  Would you KILL for your family?
3.  Would you KILL for your country?
4.  Would you DIE for your country?

On the back, answer this:  What is a valid reason to commit US soldiers to combat?  Defend?  Attack?  Basically, what would justify (make it OK) to send US sodliers to their death?

There is a test tomorrow on chapters 4 & 5.  For students who still do not have a textbook, I no longer wonder why you are struggling in class.

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