Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Regarding conferences, I wanted to let everyone know that I will be available in room E5 (East Building - Lower Level) during the following times:
Weds, 11/3  From 4:00 to 9:00 (staying 1 hour later) Thurs. 11/4  From 7:00 to 2:00 (starting 2 hrs earlier, but ending 3 hours earlier)

If you cannot meet me during those times, please contact me with questions or another request and we can figure out what to do.  Know that there are still over two months left until the end of the semester and EVERY student can dramatically improve his/her grade. 

There is an essay due next week about whether or not "you" (the student) agree with Plato's belief that only the wise should make decisions and rule. 
5 Pargraph Essay Model, 250-500 words, Typed, 12-pt font (normal font), double-spaced. 
Due Mon (but I'll take it Tues). 

Also keep up to date with classroom activities through my blog: and know that ALL handouts and notes are available through the Moodle (students should know about this).

Thank you, and know that if you ever have any questions or concerns, email is the best way to reach me!

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