Monday, February 28, 2011


Prehistoric Mesoamerica Reading and Worksheet done in class.  If you finish, you can complete the Africa & Americas Maps. 

Tuesday:  Cartoon History (Mesoamerica)
Wednesday: Correct Work, Mesoamerica Slideshow
Thursday: Monarch Butterflies (Aztecs)
Friday: Scenes from Apocalypto (analyzed and explained)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Transfer Me

Ignore MOST of the directions on the back of the handout and simply COPY the information from these maps:

Then answer the questions (6,7,8) on the back.

This may be clearer:

If you did NOT finish the African Kingdoms Map, you may want to use these two:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Africa: A History Denied

You (hopefully) completed the Africa map on Tuesday.  If not, you'll have time on Friday when you should also start and finish the Americas map.  On Wednesday, I shared my notes of African history (Pre-European colonization) focusing on Eastern (Ethiopia) and Western (Ghana, Mali, Songhai) empires.  You did NOT take notes - hopefully learning through the oral tradition of African history and education.

On Thursday, I showed you a video that showed how African history has been skewed by European interpretations.  Through the study of Zimbabwe, "Black Africa" has been proven to be able to succeed without White European assistance.  You took notes on the following topics: Eurocentrism, Trade, Empire-Building, Religion, and History (denied).

Please have chapter 11 read by Monday so you know a little bit about the Americas before I teach about it early next week.  You should also read Chapter 13 so you have a clearer picture of European colonization.  Expect a Unit exam in a week or two.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Exploration Africa Americas

A map was distributed for which you had to combine information from several other maps.  I have included some here, but there are others in the PHOTOS section of the iPod.  We will learn about the specifics of some Early African kingdoms tomorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Darn Europeans

After yesterday's exam, we moved forward today as we began the study of Africa and the Americas before European "Discovery" and Colonization.  Your only homework over the next two weeks is to simply read, review, study, and know chapters 7 (Africa), 11 (Americas), and 13 (Colonization).  We'll work on the handouts from today a little more next week while also completing some maps and taking notes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Essay Evaluation And Ch 12 Exam

We conducted peer reviews of essays today. Three students read your essay and scored it based on criteria on a half-sheet handout (Essay Evaluation available on Moodle). Take it home and have an adult review it, with you doing a final evaluation. Then, I'd like you to re-write it. Get the new version to me by Wednesday, and make sure to include the original and half-sheet summary of evaluations. There is also a Ch 12 exam next week, so you should have read the chapter and now simply be studying. We'll correct the Confucius and Reformation/Scientific Revolution worksheets on Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reniassance Review

The room was a disaster today - I had to move my desk around so I could sit with my leg up yet still see the class. It didn't help that I had to disconnect and reconnect the computer...especially when I needed it for the video I showed. Titles "Culture & Math: The Renaissance" it served as a review of what you have already learned while also introducing you to some cool stuff with the merging of science, math, art, and history - which is what makes me LOVE teaching this stuff. We'll look more closely at Machiavelli and peer-review your essays tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Flu sucks.

Something icky happened to me on Sunday - not just the Packers winning the Super Bowl. It knocked me out through 2:30 AM Tuesday when I awoke in a cold sweat, indicating that I had burned out the bug. In class, you read about Machiavlli's "Becoming a Prince by Villainy" and Confucius'"Ideas on Government."

In class today, I presented some information about the Renaissance, including the connection between Renaissance artists and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

You will Peer-Edit your essays tomorrow, with a brief video about he Renaissance.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Color me Blind

Complete the survey regarding the Super Bowl. (you'll have to login to GoogleApps.  Remember to logout after you are done!

Copy the map on page 419 of your textbook, labeling as much as you can and coloring the correct regions based on religious dominance.  Forget about the little squares and cities.  Focus on the countries/kingdoms and major bodies of water, and the colors (make a KEY!).
Answer the following questions:
1.  Which Protestant faith covered more of Europe than any other by 1600?
2.  Which Protestant faith occurred in only one nation?  Which nation?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I assigned an essay related to the chart you completed covering Luther's Revolt, the Printing Press, Heliocentric Theory, and the Scientific Method.  I showed you how to organize your thoughts on the pizza.  The essay must be typed, 12-point (normal) font, double-spaced, and in my hand by Tuesday's class period.  No papers will be accepted late.  If you are absent on Tuesday, email it to me.  NO EXCUSES!!!